Steve Smyth & The Diablos


Steve Smyth is a singer-songwriter who originally hails from the South Coast of New South Wales, but is best described these days as a world citizen. His live performances have to be experienced to be believed. Every performance is an event, every song a statement. He has a habit of putting a smile on every face in in the room, and encouraging previously unplanned whooping to erupt en masse. Having toured nationally and internationally with the likes of The Killers, Angus and Julia and Lanie Lane, from the smallest hole in the wall to the grandest theatre, Steve Smyth IS the show.

Steve Smyth


Els directes de Steve Smyth són una barreja d’energia visceral amb íntima dolçor, el seu magnetisme i presència atrapa l’espectador des del primer acord fins a l’última nota que surt dels seus llavis ocults en una barba i un bigoti dalinià. Assistir a un concert de Steve Smyth & The Diablos és entrar en una dimensió on la música torna a les seves arrels.


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