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La formació que encapçala la sessió #11 d’Es Claustre està protagonitzada per Alba Careta — trompeta i veu, – Roger Santacana — piano, Lucas Martínez — saxo tenor, – Giuseppe Campisi — contrabaix, — Josep Cordobés – bateria.
Teia means resinous or splintery wood in Catalan, a type of wood that burns easily. This is the title of the third album by trumpeter and singer Alba Careta from Catalonia. It contains a collection of her latest compositions, inspired by her own experiences, which consolidate the artist in both the Catalan and European jazz scenes after her successes with Alades and Origens.
In this album, Alba Careta Group, composed of the best musicians of the current jazz scene, presents six original compositions and two well-known versions of the Catalan New Song (La Nova Cançó) with the explosive, energetic and organic jazz that distinguishes them.
Tots els diumenges, de juny a setembre, la terrassa d’Es Claustre s’omplirà amb l’escena de músics habituals de l’emblemàtic local de jazz de Barcelona, creant el cicle Es Claustre 23.