Ferran Palau

‘Ferran Palau’ an undisputed star of Es Claustre. Ferran Palau is preparing for a spectacular return to the music scene. After almost two years away from the stage, he announces […]

Eva Sola


«Eva Sola» Sometimes, to create your own project, it is necessary to go from the outside to the inside, from the roof to the cements, from the branches to the roots. Starting from live performances and covers of other artists to end up releasing an intimate, honest and organic album. To travel through the lyrics and melodies of others until you get to the here and now of yourself.

El Pony Pisador


«El Pony Pisador» has become one of the most important folk bands in Catalonia. Its sound is crafted in the tradition of Celtic and Folk music. If we blend the worlds of JRR Tolkien with Monty Python, and add a substantial dose of contemporary folk energy, the result could be something similar to El Pony Pisador.

They have released three albums, with the latest one featuring The Longest Johns, a Sea Shanties group from England. Currently, El Pony Pisador is working on their fourth album, scheduled for an early 2024 release. So far, they ‘veaccumulated over 6 million streams in their catalog, and their fan base continues to grow.

El Pony Pisador has performed all over Europe, including notable appearances at Eurofolk in Germany, Appingedam Folk in the Netherlands, and the North Sea Folk & Shanties Festival in Belgium, Severn Seas Festival in UK among others. They have also showcased their talents in Canada at La Fete des Chants Marins and in the USA at Bay City Maritime Festival.

La Ludwig Band


«La Ludwig Band» is a group from Espolla (Alt Empordà), that sounds like pedant folk, shepherd songs, and heptasyllabics that talk about life and stunning rhymes.
In 2021 they released a new album, titled “La mateixa sort” (The Indian Runners 2021), which won the Enderrock Award for Best Album of the Year and consolidated them as one of the most interesting emerging proposals of the time in Catalonia



[CINEMA: MIRADES] El documental cada dilluns Es Claustre: Milicianes.

Anna Ferrer inaugura la Fira Mediterrània a Manresa


Trencadís. Dijous 14. Estrena absoluta. Espectacle inaugural. L’Orquestra de Músiques d’Arrel de Catalunya, una formació creada fa poc, amb trenta-un músics, entre els quals hi ha tenores, una viola de roda, trompetes, acordions diatònics, violes, un tible, una dolçaina, fiscorn, una guitarra i més instruments. Tots sota la direcció del compositor olotí Daniel López i acompanyats de la veu de la menorquina Anna Ferrer.

Marala Trio


Marala is a trio of extraordinary voices accompanied by guitars and traditional percussion instruments. 


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